WebJET DSk podrobny prehlad projektov

Detailed overview of the projects

WebJET DSK is a project management tool that gives you a perfect overview of project costs, assigned tasks and team members. Thanks to that, you always know exactly who is working on what, what stage each task is in, and how much it will all cost. 

WebJET DSK rychly prehlad uloh

Instant task overview

Discover the efficiency of WebJET DSK in modal windows, which prompt the task loading and workflow process. Users can customize individual task parameters according to preferences, ranging from dates to priorities and discussions. Any changes in tasks are recorded in activity logs. Determine dependencies between tasks and avoid potential duplications. Track time spent on individual tasks - before starting work, start task timers, which will measure how much time you spent on each task. 

WebJET DSK prisposobenie potrebam

WebJET DSK adapts to your needs

High level of adaptability gives you freedom. Together with our other systems, it forms the perfect comprehensive solution for digitizing your company. Customize the system design to be in maximum design alignment with your corporate identity. 

WebJET DSK ukladanie vyfiltrovanych uloh do zaloziek

Saving filtered tasks to bookmarks

Create your own filters to speed up your work. Choose task parameters and save them to your internal bookmarks. You can return to them anytime using the collapsible side panel of bookmarks, allowing you to immediately continue your work where you left off. 


WebJET DSK - jednoduche riesenie pre komplexne projekty

Simple solution for complex projects

Don't struggle with complex systems. WebJET DSK is designed to make everyday work easier for users and increase efficiency thanks to its intuitive interface. Starting and managing projects is now truly simple. 


WebJET DSK tvorba projektovych timov

Acceleratod creation of project teams

When creating project teams, you have multiple options to choose from. You can create teams collectively or individually. The advantage is that when starting to form a new project team, you can select existing teams, companies, or individuals who will work on the project and further assign roles and permissions to them. 

WebJET DSK rychla implementacia

Quick system implementation into your company

Years of experience open doors to a quick and seamless implementation of WebJET DSK into your company. You have two options to choose from. You can either have the product installed on your server or use it as a cloud solution. In any case, we are available to assist you and provide guidance with the installation, whether we do it for you or you install it yourself. 



Functions WebJET DSK

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